The Importance of Cultural Humility

The Importance of Cultural Humility

Aug 5, 2020

By: Catherine Saar 

In her 2017 TEDx talk, Juliana Mosley, Chief Diversity, Inclusion & Community Relations Officer at Chestnut Hill College in Pennsylvania speaks skillfully about the concept of “cultural humility.” She describes cultural humility as a process-oriented approach that takes cultural competency to the next level. In cultural competency, the focus is on knowledge that is learned about another culture. That knowledge is helpful, and at the same time, it doesn’t necessarily address the framework from which each of us views the world, thus leaving room for cultural bias. When practicing cultural humility, we ask ourselves to critically consider and self-evaluate what we believe and how that influences the way we respond to other cultures.

The diversity and inclusion concept of cultural humility is an instrument employed by institutions and organizations that seek to achieve cultural transformation. Juliana believes that through conscious consideration, we can be proactive in preparing for, and adhering to the inevitable changes in society: the need to address power imbalances. She challenges us to think about our own personal biases and collectively learn to truly embrace, appreciate, and live communally with those who are different from us.

We enjoyed Juliana’s talk and find her ideas about creating equity as relevant today as they were in 2017. We hope you have a few moments to listen and enjoy.

Watch the video here