What Are You Thankful For This Year?

What Are You Thankful For This Year?

Nov 20, 2020

By: Roma G Velasco

This year has been a whirlwind of events, with the COVID-19 pandemic and social unrest, all leading up to an unusual US election. As challenges continue to arise, we found it helpful and important to take a pause and think of the things that we are grateful for, despite the difficulties and uncertainty that this year has brought us. Here’s what our team is thankful for this year:


“I am so grateful for good health this year, and for those tending to our community’s wellness.”

-Jessica Hartung

“I am grateful for long hours to engage with my teenage kids and get to know them even better as they grow into adults.”

-Jennifer Simpson

“I’m grateful for my healthy family, work I love and amazing co-workers and clients to share it with, that justice & equity are now an important part of the national conversation.”

-Dianne Dickerson

“I am grateful for the opportunity to pause during COVID-19 and take stock of what matters most.”

-Anna King

“I am grateful for being more fully awakened to the challenges that we are facing as a nation in 2020, so that I can take a more proactive role in creating healing and solutions.” 

-Catherine Saar

“I am grateful for safe, socially-distant in-person school in our community.” 

-Christi Granstaff

“I am grateful for fresh air and soaking up the beauty of nature.” 

-Amy Maranowicz

“In 2020, I am grateful for family, community, resilience and opportunity.” 

-Nadia Ali

“I am grateful I work with a community focused on creating access to healthcare for all, in a year where a pandemic has made inequities more and more clear.” 

-Kate Shervais

“Grateful that God had expanded my life to reach new territories in 2020 — geographically, professionally, and intellectually.” 

-Darrie Matthew Burrage

“With life comes highs and lows, I am grateful for all of it because without one you can’t have the other.” 

-Sean Dunn

“I am grateful for foster puppies and rescue dogs.”

-Tim O’Shea 

“I am grateful for my health, family and extra time spent outside.”

-Joli Sakamoto

“I am grateful for my health!” 

-Mary Rianoshek

“Well beside the usual things like no one I know has succumbed to this virus, I would have to say that my kiddos are on a good trajectory, despite the unusual circumstances.”

-BB Pearson

“I am thankful for all the people in my life who’ve been with me, in person and virtually, through the challenges and successes I’ve had this year!”

-Roma G Velasco

This year’s holiday celebration will be different than previous years. Most of us have to make a choice of celebrating with family and friends virtually instead of being with them physically. But that should not keep us from reaching out and extending our love and care to those who are dear to us. What are your plans this holiday season? How are you planning to celebrate, socially-distanced or virtually? Finally, what are you thankful for this year?