Leadership Coaching for Health Centers

Leadership Coaching for Health Centers

Oct 7, 2019

Leadership Coaching for Health Centers

Take the reins on your biggest leadership opportunities and obstacles through NACHC’s FQHC Leadership Coaching Program! More flexible options now available! 

 Effective leaders and teamsspend a portion of their time designing the future and seeking ways to increase their impact byseizing opportunities and addressing challenges proactively. Further, aleader’s personal well-being sets the tone for how the rest of the organization functions. Leaders and staff who remain resilient and agile in the face of change are better able tobuild and sustaintheir organization over the long-term.  

 Through coaching,leaders and teamssort through and take action onthestrategicissues that matter most.Coaches act as a sounding board forleaders’new and innovative ideas;providesupportandhonest feedback;and create spacetodiscusschallenges and explore solutions in a safe and confidential environment. Coaches are partners in their client’s success!  

Wondering if coaching would benefit you and your team? Here are a few questions you might ask yourself: 

  • What matters most right now? What do you or your team want to influence?  
  • What excites you? What dreams haven’t been realized yet? 
  • What big decisions are you in the process of making?  
  • What is unclear? Where are you stuck? 
  • What could you or your team achieve if energy was focused toward the items above? 

Coaches at Integrated Work are world-class at creating the conditions for thought-provoking conversations that produce breakthrough results. Our approach to coaching is one of deep partnership and trust, allowing us to go deep fast, and support sustained results. We take clients through a series of conversations with enough structure to move the client forward and adequate flexibility to address whatever presents itself in the moment. 

Integrated Work is excited to continue its partnership with the National Association of Community Health Centers  to offer individual and group leadership coaching to health centers, Primary Care Associations, National Training and Technical Assistance Partners, and other members. 


Coaching packages now offer more flexibility. Six-session packages can be followed by customizable add-on sessions at discounted rates. Group coaching is available to help teams establish purpose and direction, develop appreciation for one another’s strengths, work through challenges, as well as build trust. These leadership coaching services are designed to strengthen the learning health center system and its leaders to strategically position themselves for emerging opportunities and to achieve the operational effectiveness to help improve public health outcomes. 

 Click  here  for more information or to sign up today.