In 2020, Integrated Work began to explore what it would mean to move into a self-management structure. We evolved from using Holacracy to a human-first model we call KOAN: a kind, open, adaptive network. At our September 2021 staff retreat, our first in-person time together since the adoption of KOAN, (don’t worry, we were all vaccinated and masked), we lived into our KOAN principles in how we behaved together and in the way we designed the time we shared.
Human First Holacracy
At Integrated Work, we have been tinkering with the way we are organized for a while, looking for that just-right balance between coordinating well and not incurring a huge meeting overhead. As we continue to grow, we have realized that in order to amplify our impact in the most meaningful ways, we need new approaches to how we work together…
Integrated Work: A New Model of Organizing
Throughout this pandemic, the organizations, and people, who have adapted most easily are those who had developed resilience and built flexibility and adaptability into their fabric. Where rigid business models and traditional role structures have created constraints, agile frameworks have enabled evolutionary results. What are you learning, and if you are experimenting with new models, or wanting to, what are those models?