Work when it works best for you. We often have times of day that work best for different...
Leading Virtually-Lesson 2
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Unique Benefits: Balancing Participation
The Unique Benefits of Online Work
Working online has benefits that can't be replicated in a normal in-person workplace. These...
Translating to Virtual Environments
The table above outlines a few ways to shift in-person formats to virtual formats. Keep in...
Strategies: Using Polling
A simple tool to deepen engagement and provide clear direction is polling software. These...
Strategies: Whiteboards and Annotation
Ask participants to annotate As a warm-up To gather opinions To allow them to answer...
TAKE A BREAK [Lesson 2]
Strategies: Taking Breaks
In meetings an hour or longer, breaks are crucial to keep the energy up and manage...
Strategies: Breakout Groups
Breakout groups offer the opportunity to address a variety of topics at once, depending on...