Inspiring Speakers & Keynotes

Bring your message to life.

A great speech delivered

by a talented speaker has the power to captivate everyone in the room. Listening to a powerful speaker can be transformational, motivating us to try new things, inspiring us to attempt a different approach, granting us permission to let go of old habits, or providing new frameworks for our ways of thinking.

At Integrated Work, we offer a variety of interactive formats that include keynote speeches, workshops, and “secondary stage” deliveries to best meet the needs of your audience and your budget. Our experienced speakers are available to engage your audience on a number of topics.

Speaker Topics

  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
  • Engaging and Inspiring Your Team
  • Setting a VIABLE Strategy
  • Mindful Leadership
  • From Surviving to Thriving
  • The KOAN Method: Building Kind, Open, Adaptive, Networks
  • Creating Human-First Organizations
  • Leading Virtually
  • (Re)Imagining What’s Possible
  • The Art and Heart of Leading Change
  • Cultivating a Leadership Pipeline
  • Smart Succession & Transition Planning
  • Effective Executive Board Partnerships

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“Never underestimate the power of dreams and the influence of the human spirit. We are all the same in this notion: The potential for greatness lives within each of us.”

– Wilma Rudolph