by: Catherine Saar
While the work landscape has shifted and many of us are busy working from home, we are also finding that some of us have more time on our hands. And being human first, we want to have fun, enjoy creative pursuits and contribute to each other’s well-being – perhaps in time of crisis, we need these outlets even more. To that end, here are a few wonderful ways we are seeing this desire being manifested. Love to hear about yours…..Enjoy!
Al Franken posted a video of himself drawing the map while he talks you through how to draw it yourself. According to Franken, this is meant to be a fun activity for anyone, especially kids who are cooped up at home with their parents. He’s also using it to do an online raffle fundraiser to benefit a women’s shelter in Minnesota, called Women’s Advocates that has provided housing and support for survivors of domestic abuse in St. Paul since 1974.
Home Together, is an effort by The Boulder County Regional Housing Partnership to remind us that even though we are all at home, we are still a community. Check out their community-wide creativity contest where participants are invited to draw, write, sing, cook or share a story as a way to document the shared experience of being “Home Together” during this uncertain time.
Here at Integrated Work, we are collecting photos of our team doing what we do in our own homes/spaces to keep us busy, active, entertained and productive, while in quarantine. Here’s Roma, our resident climber demonstrating that climbers definitely climb every possible object and space in their houses while in quarantine.
Apparently, she traversed her entire fence, calling her climb the COROMA v1.9 [v-scale for bouldering]!