
Workplace Wellness

Fun Safer-At-Home Activities

Fun Safer-At-Home Activities

Staying at home does not have to be boring. Our team here at Integrated Work is finding different ways to stay productive while having fun. Here’s a list of books, recipes, podcasts, and other activities that we’ve been enjoying during quarantine.

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The Parents Are Not Alright, Or Are They?

The Parents Are Not Alright, Or Are They?

The pandemic is not the only thing that families feel like they have to survive from. Working from home while parenting and managing a household is another set of challenges that families have to deal with daily these days. Here’s what two of our Senior Consultants shared about their evolving roles in the COVID-19 paradigm: work from home while also caring for their kids.

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Tips for Tackling Zoom Fatigue

Tips for Tackling Zoom Fatigue

Are you starting to have a love-hate relationship with Zoom? As we replace in-person meetings with video calls, we are definitely spending more time in front of a screen both for work and for connecting with family and friends. With all the “Zooming” that we are doing, video call fatigue is definitely becoming more common. Here are some tips from our team on how to tackle Zoom fatigue.

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Finding Time for Fun: Creativity During Quarantine

Finding Time for Fun: Creativity During Quarantine

As we continue to journey through stay-at-home orders and quarantine, we are glad to discover new ways to channel our creativity, to make hours of online meetings more enjoyable, and to find ways to conserve resources, both tangible and energetic. Here are some new finds we are exploring.

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New Leadership Literacies for a Disrupted Future

New Leadership Literacies for a Disrupted Future

As the industrial age gives way to a new digital world, leaders are having to confront change on a larger scale and at a faster pace than ever before. Workplaces, teams, and networks are becoming more and more distributed and require organizations to radically rethink the practices and policies that made them effective in the past.

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Being Resilient in Challenging Times

Being Resilient in Challenging Times

If this time is challenging your ability to stay connected and productive at work, seek support. At Integrated Work, we have worked virtually for quite some time, and this pandemic is calling upon us to up our game and to deploy additional strategies to help keep us moving forward and positive. 

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Integrity and Authentic Living 

Integrity and Authentic Living 

While some of us go through the exercise of identifying our values and then assessing how our behaviors and choices measure up, it’s our gut, our heartstrings, and our thoughts that serve as a barometer for knowing when we hit or miss our integrity target, regardless of whether we’ve clearly identified our values.

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Being Human First at Integrated Work

Being Human First at Integrated Work

Our first value at Integrated Work is to care for one another as humans first. High-quality relationships are the foundation of our success. We bring our full selves to what we do – that is how we unleash creativity, and commitment to progress. Establishing that as a baseline has been key to our long-term collaborations with staff clients, contractors and partners.

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